
Several scouts in his Savannah-area troop accused him of molesting them back in 1972. They said Dubois fondled them at his home and on camping trips. They also said he had oral sex with them. According to his file, just four months after Dubois was kicked out of one of the  Savannah-area troops, a man with the same name registered to join the Boy Scouts in Montgomery, AL. The national headquarters sent a detailed inquiry to the Montgomery branch, asking if this was same man who lived in Savanna four months earlier; the same man who worked as...

“Childhood victims of sexual abuse in California would no longer face deadlines to file civil claims against their alleged abusers under a new bill announced Monday by Assemblymember Dawn Addis (D-Morro Bay) and Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley).” “The Justice for Survivors Act seeks to end the civil statute of limitations for child sexual abuse, including claims against institutions that may have enabled or covered up abuse. Under the state’s current law, survivors are required to file claims in civil court by their 40th birthday, or in some cases, within five years after discovering their abuse as an adult.” READ FULL ARTICLE...