
Found 4 Active Campaigns

Archbishop Cordileone: Release the List of Clergy Credibly Accused You Are Hiding

  • Campaign Status: Active
Archbishop Cordileone knows about numerous priests who have sexually abused kids. Parents and the public need to know the names of these child abusers to keep kids safe.1.    Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is the only bishop in the state of California who has not released a list of clergy credibly accused of child sexual abuse.2.    Every other bishop in the state of California has publicly...

Congress: Pass a Child Rights Act to Help Combat Child Abuse

  • Campaign Status: Active
Congress- Pass a Child Rights Act. At a minimum these rights should include Erin's Law being extended into private/religious schools (age appropriate sexual abuse prevention education) and unlicensed religious school teachers need to be required to take mandated reporter training and be held accountable to report suspected child abuse. Homeschoolers must take the same mandated reporter training and must also teach Erin’s law. 

Open a one year civil suit availability for child rape Victims in Tennessee

  • Campaign Status: Active
On July 2nd, 2019, the state of Tennessee tried to implicate an 'Abolish there Statute of Limitations on child abuse, child rape. This bill H-565 was presented to allow criminal and supposed freedom to sue organizations who protected child rapist.The original statutes in Tennessee blocked anyone from prosecuting or civil cases as the victim was 3 years from age 18. This statute blocked EVERYONE.

Hold Kanakuk Accountable

  • Campaign Status: Active
Although many survivors of Kanakuk child sexual abuse remain silenced by forced NDAs (see VICE News feature), the support and hope they have felt from over 25,000 people signing the Release Kanakuk Victims from their NDAs petition has been momentous.     Kanakuk abuse survivors are now assembling in the shadows to demand action. They have formed a community to support one another, to seek accountability...

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