
Although many survivors of Kanakuk child sexual abuse remain silenced by forced NDAs (see VICE News feature), the support and hope they have felt from over 25,000 people signing the Release Kanakuk Victims from their NDAs petition has been momentous.  
Kanakuk abuse survivors are now assembling in the shadows to demand action. They have formed a community to support one another, to seek accountability and justice, and to prevent ongoing and future abuse. Their collective Kanakuk abuse experiences span from the 1950s to 2022. Enough is enough! Join survivor voices by supporting this open letter to Joe White, Kanakuk Ministries, and all affiliated entities
This petition makes three simple pleas in line with longstanding best-practices for responding to policy breaches and abuse allegations:

1. Admit to known failures.  Publicly address known institutional misconduct, including dismissing clear signs of predatory behavior and child sexual abuse, as well as covering up said abuses once known. Repent of hostile and aggressive behavior and manipulation tactics carried out by Kanakuk officers and on Kanakuk’s behalf that have intimidated and retraumatized victims. Own these actions rather than excusing them as the responsibilities of your legal counsel, insurance companies, or as being at the request of survivors themselves.

2. Release victims from their NDAs.  Stop the silencing. Victims must be released from NDAs and all similar clauses. Cease the use of all legal intimidation tactics and tools that inhibit healing and limit victims’ voices and truth from reaching the public sphere (see We are supported by 25,000+ signatures in this plea:

3. Invite an independent investigation.  Seek and publish the truth. Commission an external investigation into Kanakuk Ministries and all affiliates. A diverse panel of survivors must be involved in this process, including in the selection of a mutually agreed-upon law firm to execute the investigation. Make the process transparent, publish investigation results, and adopt any remedial measures recommended per the investigation.