
Profiles (6)

STOP BSA License Plates - Texas

Sec. 504.6545.  BOY SCOUT LICENSE PLATES.  (a)  The department shall issue specialty license plates that include the words "Boy Scouts of America."  The department shall design the license plates in consultation with the Boy Scouts of America. (b)  After deduction of the department's administrative costs, the remainder of the fee for issuance of the license plates shall be deposited to the credit of the...

Texas House Bill 3533 - Eliminate Child Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations, NOT RETROACTIVE!

AUTHOR: Jeff LeachDATE FILED: 03/06/2023CAPTION TEXT: Relating to elimination of limitations periods for suits for personal injury arising from certain offenses against a child.RELATED BILL: Texas Senate Bill 206 & Texas Senate Bill 751 HELP US SUPPORT Texas House Bill 206 & Texas Senate Bill 751 to eliminate Statute of Limitations for Child Sex Abuse! PLEASE SHARE!  It takes less than a minute to send a letter to...

Texas House Bill 206 - Eliminate Child Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations

AUTHOR: Ann JohnsonDATE FILED: 11/14/2022CAPTION TEXT: Relating to elimination of limitations periods for suits for personal injury arising from certain offenses against a child.RELATED BILL: Texas Senate Bill 751 & Texas House Bill 3533  HELP US SUPPORT Texas House Bill 206 & Texas Senate Bill 751 to eliminate Statute of Limitations for Child Sex Abuse! PLEASE SHARE!  It takes less than a minute to...

Texas House Bill 505 - Punishment for hindering the investigation or prosecution of Child Sex Abuse

AUTHOR: Gene WuDATE FILED: 11/14/2022CAPTION TEXT: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the criminal offense of hindering the investigation or prosecution of certain sexual offenses committed against a child; increasing criminal penalties.

Texas Senate Bill 751 - Eliminate Child Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations

AUTHOR: Peter FloresDATE FILED: 02/07/2023CAPTION TEXT: Relating to elimination of limitations periods for suits for personal injury arising from certain offenses against a child.CAPTION BILL: Texas House Bill 206 & Texas House Bill 3533  HELP US SUPPORT Texas House Bill 206 & Texas Senate Bill 751 to eliminate Statute of Limitations for Child Sex Abuse! PLEASE SHARE!  It takes less than a minute to send a letter to...

Texas House Bill 4601

AUTHOR: Jeff LeachDATE FILED: 03/09/2023CAPTION TEXT: Relating to certain suits for personal injury that arise as a result of conduct that violates certain Penal Code provisions concerning sexual offenses against a child but that are filed against certain persons who did not commit the conduct that violated those Penal Code provisions.RELATED BILL: Texas Senate Bill 206 & Texas Senate Bill 751 HELP US SUPPORT Texas House Bill 206 &...