Hidden Camera

Boy Scout volunteer, David Lee Nelson, 41, of Redmond, Wash. admitted to hiding cameras in S Bar F Scout Ranch bathrooms and pleaded guilty to two counts of production of child pornography and two counts of attempted production of child pornography.  The charges carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison, followed by a term of supervised release of up to life.

Matthew Fisher, Former Gow School administrator, has been arrested and charged by criminal complaint with possession of child pornography and hiding cameras on campus among other admissions.  The school released the following information to families on Friday afternoon: "Dear Gow Community, Unfortunately, I have further disturbing news about the Matt Fisher case. The U.S. Attorney plans to add new and more serious charges regarding production of child pornography. Fisher remains jailed without bail after his detention hearing this morning. We understand from law enforcement that the FBI’s review to date of the items seized from Fisher’s...