SF Archbishop responds to clergy abuse survivors in bankruptcy court
Date Shared: September 17th, 2024
Date Released: September 13th, 2024


Multiple survivors pressed Cordileone for more transparency from the church and a speedy resolution to the bankruptcy case, which the archbishop responded to in his statement.

“Several survivors in these listening sessions asked that we do everything in our power to accelerate the Chapter 11 process to help them achieve some level of closure,” Cordileone wrote. “I agree with their perspective. We have worked diligently toward transparency and a timely resolution in collaboration with the other parties involved in this bankruptcy process, and I hope that by doing so we will be able to fulfill this desire of theirs.”

Plaintiffs’ attorney Rick Simons said, however, he wants to see more action and fewer statements from Cordileone. 

“If they want to accelerate the process, if they want to see justice for survivors, they have all the tools and the power to do that,” Simons said. “They don’t need to issue a statement; they just need to do it. It’s time for action, not press releases. 

Survivors say they expect a long road ahead in the bankruptcy case and worry that many among them won’t live to see closure. 
“Some of our ranks have died without knowing justice,” one survivor said.